Civil wedding in Athens

Amanda & George are the perfect match!
The balance between them and the friendship they have as a foundation, means that they will endure through whatever comes their way.

George has a heart of gold and he's a person with a gentle smile full of promises for a bright and strong future.
Amanda is an amazing young lady intelligent, kind and always willing to help
her friends and family.
She's a person you can rely on and share your life with.
There will not be a moment in which she will not be there to support the ones she loves.
She's an amazing contemporary artist and we urge you all to hang a loud painting or two in your living room.
Today they enter individuals, but they leave as husband and wife.
Amanda & George we wish you to shine together, but also individually,
challenge each other, compromise, travel and continue building memories to a
lifetime of happiness.

CINEMATOGRAPHY WEDbyART PHOTOGRAPHÎ¥ Nikos Psathoyiannakis WEDDING VENUE Orizontes Wedding Logo Amanda Galal Wedding rings Dinos Karalis Wedding Dress Anem Groom's Suit Dressman Shoes Thomas shoes
Flowers Rosetta Dj and Saxophonist Loud & Clear
Belly Dancer Aisha Kanakari